Employability and Opportunity in Cyprus? (1/2005)-EN
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Σύντομες Ειδήσεις

Employability and Opportunity in Cyprus? (1/2005)-EN  

Employability and Opportunity in Cyprus? (1/2005)


The Community Initiative Programme (CIP) Equal for Cyprus, for the period 2004-2006, was agreed with the European Commission in April 2004; official approval was granted in July 2004. The total financial resources for the programme amount to EUR 3.62 million, of which EUR 1.81 million will be co-financed from the ESF.

CIP Equal for Cyprus seeks maximum possible impact by focusing on three priority themes: employability; equal opportunities for men and women; and asylum seekers. New and innovative approaches and actions are sought across all areas.


 The objective is to facilitate access and return to the labour market for those who have difficulty in being integrated or reintegrated; the labour market must be open for all.

Approaches could include promoting long-term training programmes in selected areas, and combining medium- or long-term continuing vocational training with placements in enterprises and organisations. Of particular interest would be posts which offer opportunities for full-time employment.

Other possible actions include promoting cooperation between employment support structures such as the public employment services, private employment offices, local authorities, voluntary organisations and social partners. Raising equal opportunity awareness among employers and promoting the advantages of using employment offices in recruiting human resources are also of value.

 Equal opportunities

 The objective here is to reconcile family and professional life, as well as reintegrating men and women who have left the labour market, through more flexible and effective forms of work organisation and support services. Possible approaches include upgrading the skills of women who have left the labour market because of family responsibilities, using flexible forms of training such as tele-training.

Actions could also be developed to eliminate gender stereotyping in the family. These include: promoting the right to parental leave for male employees; trying to establish a culture among young people of equal participation of the sexes in the care of children and other dependants; and educational packages aimed at eliminating stereotypes

 Integrating asylum seekers

 This aims to offer support interventions for asylum seekers until the final assessment of their application. It includes actions to enhance the skills of asylum seekers through training programmes, so they are better qualified to enter the labour market in Cyprus or better equipped for reintegration into their home country if their application is rejected. An additional approach offers programmes of personalised services for employment seeking. The same programmes could promote Greek and English language classes to enable rapid integration, combined with vocational training to develop their skills.

By the end of 2004, 23 organisations had submitted to the Managing Authority of Equal for Cyprus their applications to form development partnerships (DPs). The procedure for assessing and selecting development partnerships was to have been completed by mid-January 2005
