Highlights of Education and Training Priorities in the National Lisbon Programme for Cyprus (2/2006)-EN
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Highlights of Education and Training Priorities in the National Lisbon Programme for Cyprus (2/2006)-EN  

Highlights of Education and Training Priorities in the National Lisbon Programme for Cyprus

As Cyprus is a small and open economy with limited natural resources, human resources constitute the most important factor of production and its development is of high priority. The main policy priorities for Cyprus as stated in the National Lisbon Programme related to education and training are the following:

  • Continuous Improvement of eLearning in Education at all Levels

Efforts to introduce eLearning into the Cyprus Educational System have already been made. A more organised and comprehensive effort co-funded by the European Social Fund is currently underway

Moreover the acquisition of the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) certificate is being promoted for both teachers and students:

  • Secondary education teachers will be obliged to pass the first four core modules of the ECDL, and they will have the option to continue with the other three modules required for obtaining the ECDL certificate. The target set is that 6 600 secondary education teachers (65% of the total) will attend the training for the first four core modules of the ECDL by 2007

  • In lower secondary education information technology is an obligatory subject for students provided for 2 periods per week and the curricula are geared towards covering the same areas as the ECDL exams. Commencing in the school year 2006-2007 the ICT skills of third grade pupils (age 15) in lower secondary education will be certified according to the ECDL.

  • Increase Opportunities for University Studies in Cyprus
    The operation of the Open University of Cyprus, by September 2006 and the Technological University of Cyprus, by September 2007, as well as the introduction of new departments in the University of Cyprus will increase the opportunities for university studies in Cyprus. Furthermore there is the potential for the establishment of Private Universities, following the enactment of the relevant legislative framework regulating their operation in July 2005.
  • Continuous Upgrading of Skills to Labour Market Needs

Policy priorities include:

  • Implementation of an action aiming at strengthening the quality and attractiveness of Secondary Technical and Vocational Education and improving its organisation, which is co-financed from the European Social Fund.

  • Implementation of an action aiming at upgrading the apprenticeship system, which is co-financed from the European Social Fund.

  • Upgrading of training by:
      • Undertaking a study for evaluating the impact of the Human Resource Development Authority existing scheme
      • Extension of the rendered training programmes of the Human Resource Development Authority by three co-financed by the European Social Fund schemes for selected target groups: young secondary education school leavers; unemployed; economically inactive women.
      • Further support of the Training Infrastructure of Institutions and Enterprises.
      • Introduction of an Appraisal and Certification System for Training Providers by the Human Resource Development Authority.
      • Introduction of a Vocational Qualifications System in two phases over the period 2006-2013, covering a broad range of occupations in the sectors of manufacturing, hotels and restaurants, construction, trade/ repairs of motor vehicles as well as cross sectoral occupations.
  • Development of a Comprehensive Lifelong Learning Strategy
    The elaboration of a comprehensive lifelong learning strategy by the end of 2006, will provide appropriate links between initial and continuing education and training, matched with the development of a competence-based structure of vocational qualification standards
    • Introduction of a Vocational Qualifications System in two phases over the period 2006-2013, covering a broad range of occupations in the sectors of manufacturing, hotels and restaurants, construction, trade/ repairs of motor vehicles as well as cross sectoral occupations.

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