Reform and Upgrading of the Apprenticeship Scheme (New Modern Apprenticeship) of Cyprus (3/2016)-EN
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Σύντομες Ειδήσεις

Reform and Upgrading of the Apprenticeship Scheme (New Modern Apprenticeship) of Cyprus (3/2016)-EN  

The Apprenticeship Scheme (New Modern Apprenticeship) of Cyprus is being upgraded and reformed in order to improve its quality and enhance its relevance to labour market needs.


In order to promote the reform process, the Department of Secondary Technical and Vocational Education (STVE) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, after consultation with the members of the Apprenticeship Board (responsible for supervising the operation of the Apprenticeship Scheme, comprising representatives of the government, technical schools and employers’ and employees’ organisations) prepared a comprehensive proposal for the upgrading of the Apprenticeship Scheme in Cyprus, which was approved by the Council of Ministers on 19 August 2015 with Decision no. 79.274.


Measures include increasing the flexibility of the Scheme in order to respond better to labour market needs, through the development of approximately forty specialisations offered alternately according to demand in the labour market as well as suitable training of all involved trainers, teachers and counsellors.


Easing access to formal qualifications for graduates of the Apprenticeship Scheme is another measure that will be promoted. The Apprenticeship Scheme programmes will be connected with the formal upper secondary programmes offered by the Evening Technical Schools through the use of learning modules and ECVET units, so that Apprenticeship Scheme graduates will be entitled to complete upper secondary education.  As a result, they will be able to complete upper secondary education in one or two years instead of four, which is the usual duration of studies at the Evening Technical Schools.


The reform also provides for the further promotion and strengthening of the cooperation between the Apprenticeship Scheme and industry in order to develop more effective mechanisms aiming at the upgrading of the apprentices’ programme of industrial placement. To this direction, various meetings have been held with representatives of the employers’ organisations.




Source: ReferNet Cyprus, Ministry of Education and Culture
