Forecasts of Employment Needs for Nursing Staff in Cyprus 2005-2015 (3/2006)
  • wcmadmin
  • wcmadmin

Σύντομες Ειδήσεις

Forecasts of Employment Needs for Nursing Staff in Cyprus 2005-2015 (3/2006)  

Nursing Staff has a significant and indispensable role to play in the provision of high-quality health services. For Cyprus the early and systematic identification of needs for Nursing Staff in terms of both quantity and quality is considered to be of vital importance. This emanates from the expected increased demand for health services both from the local market and from abroad, as well as the observed shortages for Nursing Staff, which result in the employment of foreign nurses. The demand for Nursing Staff in Cyprus is a consequence mainly of the expected ageing of Cyprus´ population coupled with the continuous increase in life expectancy. Based on these considerations the Council of Ministers has decided to assign the conduct of a relevant study to the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, which has extensive experience in the provision of employment forecasts.

The main aim of the study, which was completed in February 2006, was to examine and analyse the employment trends of Nursing Staff in Cyprus and to provide employment forecasts for the Nursing Staff during the period 2005-2015. In particular the study provides forecasts for both expansion and replacement demand, which are allocated to the Public and the Private sector. Additionally, the study provides estimates for employment needs in the various specialisations of Nursing Staff, which are General nurses, Midwives and Health visitors.

The study is currently contributing significantly towards the formulation of policy decisions, which will alleviate the existing shortages and will respond, in an effective manner, to the demand for Nursing Staff in Cyprus during the next decade.
